It’s the last day of J.Lo’s 10 day challenge and I am so so happy! As you may know, I’ve been doing J.Lo’s 10 day challenge of no carbs and no sugar. It’s definitely been a roller coaster ride, but it’s coming to an end! I will admit that it’s a little bittersweet, but I’m really ready to move on and have healthier days going forward.
If you missed day 1 or why I’m doing this challenge, click here!
Day 10
For breakfast, I had two egg whites with cheddar cheese. I wish I had some fruit or vegetables, even avocado, but I really wasn’t in the mood.
Lunch was leftovers from yesterday’s dinner.
Dinner was pretty boring I have to admit, but it was the same as Sunday’s lunch.
Today’s Takeaway
I will admit that today’s meal was pretty boring, but I think my creativity and motivation had started to run out. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I’m a pescatarian and I knew this kind of challenge would be extremely hard. However, I do believe that I got what I wanted out of J.Lo’s 10 day challenge. Although, I do recommend you read that same post to determine if this challenge is for you.
Would I do this again? I don’t think so! I think I would only do this again if I feel like I’m falling off the bandwagon of healthy eating again. Otherwise, I feel really good about the future. I’ve been looking for healthy recipes for tomorrow and thinking of some new things to cook. I also bought a new blender so I can do more meals that require one. Overall, I’m really happy about this.
Question of the day: What are your favorite healthy recipes to cook?
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