It’s day 9 of J.Lo’s 10 day challenge of no carbs and no sugar! I’m feeling a lot better than most of the other days, that’s for sure. I’m still pretty fatigued, but I really don’t have any cravings for bread, pasta, or really pizza anymore. I have noticed a few headaches but it could really be due to PMS. That being said, I’m super excited for what’s ahead!
If you missed day 1 or why I’m doing this challenge, click here!
Day 9
I finally got my frittata! I was so so happy! It was a veggie frittata, one of my absolute favorites.
Lunch was pretty standard. It was just some salmon with grilled veggies.
Dinner was also pretty standard. I made more shrimp with cauliflower rice and Brussels sprouts. I seasoned them with salt, pepper, lemon, and garlic.
Today’s Takeaway
Make no mistake, I do feel hungry. However, I don’t feel as hangry as I did at the beginning of this challenge. I’m starting to see the results that I wanted to get out of this challenge, a better way of eating. Again, I hate the restriction so I will be incorporating some healthy carbs after this challenge. That being said, I really can’t see myself going back to eating bread, pasta, and pizza all day every day.
One more day left!
Question of the day: What is one thing you wish
you could have for breakfast repeatedly?
Keep up to date with this challenge by following my socials! You can find Girl In Gamba on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Bloglovin!
Photo by Dani Rendina on Unsplash