I want to start off by saying that I am NOT a diet expert nor a dietitian. In fact, this post answers this question based off of my experience so far doing J.Lo’s 10 day challenge.
“Is J.Lo’s 10 day challenge safe,” is what I asked myself too before starting. I think short-term, yes it’s fine. I know people do keto diets long term to lose weight but that’s not really my goal. Yes, it would be great to quickly lose weight as people on keto diets do, but I would lose weight by healthy eating and exercise. From my 4.5 days of experience doing J.Lo’s no sugar no carbs challenge, I’ve constantly felt tired, hungry, and a little bloated.
Like I mentioned in my last post, I definitely want to incorporate these low carb recipes into my diet after the challenge. That being said, I definitely feel like my body operates better with good carbs like sweet potatoes and beans. PopSugar spoke with a dietitian who further backed up my suspicions. You read that article here.
I definitely feel like my body operates better with good carbs like sweet potatoes and beans.
Now, I know I’ve been snacking on almonds, oranges, yogurt, and apples for the past few days. However, like many may know, even fruits and vegetables have carbs. So it really is impossible to get away from them. I think J.Lo’s 10 day challenge is more geared towards taking out the bad carbs like breads, pasta, pizza, and rice. In addition, taking out bad sugar like candy and high sugar fruits.
I do believe it promotes restriction, which I’m not keen on. So, I would advise people who have had or do have disordered eating to stay away. I also think if you’re going to do this challenge, then you really need to be aware that this is temporary.
As I mentioned in my first post of this challenge, this is a reset for me. I was eating way too much bread and having something like candy, cookies, or ice cream almost every day. As a result, my holiday kind of spilled over into the new year. So, I wanted this challenge to really force myself to cook more meals and cook more healthy meals. In fact, I see it as a chance to reset my body and mind.
I wanted this challenge to really force myself to cook more meals and cook more healthy meals.
I know a lot of dietitians would probably say don’t do this challenge. I would agree with them! You have to really know your body and I think the majority of people shouldn’t do this. I’m doing this because I know that I have had a healthy diet in the past and usually around the holiday or long periods of high stress I fall off and eat whatever I want. I also like competition, so when someone challenges me to do something which I think I can do within reason, I’m up for it.
When I first heard about J.Lo’s 10 day challenge, my eyebrows raised because it sounded impossible. After doing some research and focusing on doing low carb low sugar, I thought it was completely doable for 10 days. I’ve become so good at planning meals ahead and not relying on takeaways when I’m lazy. I’ve also seen how I can turn my bread and pasta favorites into healthier versions. That is something I really wanted to get out of this challenge.
This is not a long-term diet. At the end of the day, it’s your body and you have to listen to it.
So, I maintain that this is not a long-term diet. I think it’s relatively safe if you plan ahead and make sure you’re eating healthy. Additionally, I think if you are using it as to reset and teach yourself to eat healthier in the long-term, then you should be fine. I would even go far to say that the challenge should be 7 days instead. At the end of the day, it’s your body and you have to listen to it.
Question of the day: What are your thoughts on this topic?
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Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash
I don´t really believe in diets. I think it is important to generally eat healthy and then it is fine to also have cookies etc. every once in a while. However it is great if it gave you new input for recipes.
I definitely believe the same. It’s just that around the holiday, it seems like I fall into bad eating habits and it’s hard for me to get back on track. I really needed a jump start this time so I think this gave me that push I needed. Thanks for reading!