Some time ago, I remember having a conversation with one of my friends about awards shows. Awards shows can be a complicated topic to talk about because of the history of them. When it comes to the Oscars, money is a big determinant of who wins. Personally, I found out about this from Adam Ruins Everything but I’m sure there’s more information on the Internet about it. That being said, the Golden Globes was this weekend and I wanted to make a post related to it and related to awards shows in general.
I definitely think awards shows were more interesting last year. I remember there were a lot of movies that came out in 2016 that I loved. However, there were movies that came out in 2017 that were pretty good. Some movies that I was really excited about were Get Out, The Greatest Showman, and All The Money In The World. Some TV shows that I was really excited about were The Sinner and The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
Not many people know this about me, but I’ve always been into the entertainment industry. I think it can be a really fascinating industry, but it is also very harsh. So, when it comes to awards shows, I do feel like rooting for my favorites. However, you do have to understand that awards shows are really up to money and opinions of those who vote, not necessarily what the public thinks.
Last year, I have to admit that I was a bit shocked when Casey Affleck won an Oscar. So, when things such as that happen, I do question whether or not there’s a point to these awards shows. That being said, I think awards shows can be a great catalyst for making a statement.
For example, when Moonlight won last year at the Oscars, I think it opened the door for a great moment to shine a light on these very real experiences. Same with the Golden Globes this weekend. I know some people think that wearing black to an awards show isn’t enough, but I think even a silent protest is still a good thing.
I’ve done some awards coverage before and one of my favorite moments was the first jobs skit that happened last year. It’s moments like that that really strike a chord with me. I think it’s great seeing people who have a strong and prominent voice use their influence for good. It’s very important that we have many people speaking up on important issues. It’s that kind of recognition that can be extremely important.
So, I think recognition will be the theme this week and we will see it at play in many different ways.
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Question of the day: What are some of your favorite awards shows?
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Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash