Post Grad Life Confusion? Yeah, Me Too.

Post grad life confusion

I recently came across this wonderful blog post titled, “What I Learned From Narrowing My Blog Niche,” and it really got me thinking about my blog and where I stand. As I was thinking about this, it made me think about where I stand in life. Have you ever felt like you know what you like, but you don’t know where you belong? I’ve felt a bit like this for all my life. I was never in the popular crowd or with the athletic department. I’ve always had my band of misfits, people who just don’t belong to any established group. Now that I’m no longer in school, I think these feelings have caused me post grad life confusion.

When I started Girl In Gamba, I knew that I wanted to talk about what I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about relationships, traveling, career, food, and drinks. These are all topics that fall under lifestyle. I’ve never wanted to talk about beauty products or fashion. Sure, I’m interested in those things, but I can’t write a blog post about it. As I’ve thought about this post grad life confusion stage, I can’t help but also feel confused about blogging.

Related: Why I Started This Blog After Graduating College

I love my blog but I am terribly confused about where it stands. Do I narrow my topics down? How do I incorporate everything I love? Do I have to give up something? Recently, I’ve started writing more serious pieces and I enjoy this. It feels more real and authentic for me. Yes, I love a good cocktail recipe but I also like talking about themes like the time I was ghosted. Right now, I think I’m calling my niche post grad lifestyle for those riding the post grad lifestyle confusion train. You can call me the conductor!

Related: How I Was Ghosted And Why I Wasn’t Good Enough

So, if you’re feeling confused about where you stand in your life or your blog, my general consensus is that it’s going to be okay. I’ve been officially blogging as Girl In Gamba for almost a year now and my blog has definitely changed since I’ve started. However, that is completely okay too. I know I’m on the right path because writing for this blog has been one of the best decisions of my life. I thoroughly enjoy it! Sure, I may have more of a chance as a beauty blogger or a fashion blogger, but I believe in being yourself. What more could I ask for?

Confused about life as a post grad? Aren't we all! Pin for later

Do you suffer from post grad life confusion too?

Let me know in the comments what you think about post grad life confusion whether it be in your personal life or your blogging life!

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Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

  1. I am definitely suffering with post grad life confusion! I graduated under a month ago and I think I’m struggling because I feel a bit like I’m stuck as I don’t know where I’m going in terms of my career. I feel like I’m drifting a bit, trying to figure out what direction I’m heading in. My blog is actually a great place for me to vent all of these feelings.


    1. Yes! However, sometimes I come across posts that make me feel like maybe I’m doing this whole life/blogging thing wrong! Yikes!

  2. I have just graduated and oh goodness this post is so relatable right now! I have a placement/internship lined up next month but that is one month sorted … What after? I am so lost and confused but I think everyone is even if they have a job lined up. There is so much to think about, it can be overwhelming. I am glad that I am not the only one.
    Lois x

    1. Yes! You are definitely not the only one! I graduated last year and it was such a transition trying to find out what to do next. Currently, I am in grad school, but now I have to think about my future all over again and where do I stand in my life! Mamma Mia!

  3. Aah, I don’t suffer from this yet but I will a year from now haha. I’m not quite sure what my plan will be for my career or my blog after I graduate, partially because I do blog about college! It’s good to know I won’t be alone. It’s a great reminder! Thanks so much for sharing and best of luck to you!

    Jaycee |

  4. That seems like more than enough of a niche for me — anyone who’s in that spot in their life will be able to relate! The post-grad years are a bit scary, but they’re also wide open and exciting!


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